Project Experience
Incident Tracking System
As a key person in this project, I designed and developed a web database application for incident tracking, inventory management and CRM using Java, Spring, Restful APIs and MySQL. It includes:
- Developed user login functionality by using spring security. For example: logged connection attempts including IP address and success or failure.
- Used MySQL database to support the data structure.
- Used JSON data to intergrade with the other software packages.
- Used Restful APIs and JavaScript to utilize reporting/searching engine.
- Implementation of Java web applications.
3 way match
As a key person in this project, I designed and developed this functionality in Point Of Sale. This project used a better way to connect a PO and Receiving to Shipping and delivery with vendor payments in one step. So, it reduced the time lag for payments to the vendors. It included Local PO and No invoice PO receiving with the shipping delivery information.
Text Book Rental
Students can rent the books at school and return the books at school. As a key person on the project, I designed and developed this function in POS. It included book rental, refunds, buy out, check in and extend the rental. It also includes collateral information for financial guarantee and penalty rules for overdue and damaged items. All the sales and collateral information is posted to financial management systems with real time communication updates(using EDI). Inventory control system will get updated at store closing.
Apple Care warranty
As a key person in this project, I designed and developed this functionality in POS. The function of this program is to sell AppleCare warranties with the hardware provided from Apple in the campuses. When the AppleCare warranty was sold, and the customer information collected along with the Apple item sold this was posted to Apple's database in real time. POS was able to provide the warranty agreement number on the customers’ receipt. Functionality was also included to allow for return/refund of the warranty in real time that updated Apple as well as POS and accounting.
House Charge and Financial Aid
As a team member on this project, I developed this functionality in POS. This project is to better serve the customers for School AR accounts and FA accounts. It means that some AR or FA accounts can only pay for certain items. This program communicates with school financial management system to get proof that the item(s) can be sold to this student. So, the school doesn't need to reconsolidate all the AR or FA tenders. It helps schools easily manage their accounts.
On-line orders refund at store
As a key person on this project, I designed and developed this functionality in Point Of Sale. This project is to bring all the web orders(eSales) to stores to push the sales data to Home Office(Merchandise system) at the store closing time. It also helps customer refunds at local stores.
Price Match
As a key person on this project, I designed and developed this functionality in Point Of Sale to offer the competitor price at store level.
Encryption for credit card
As a team member on this project, I have developed this functionality using Zone keys. This program is up to PCI standards; passing encryted credit card information to on-site data storage and bank
Daily Password Creation
As a key person on this project, I designed and developed this utility in POS and outside of POS. This project creates passwords daily for upper management to use in checking customers' credit card information. It secured credit card information by 50% at store level.
- Configuring/setup retail keyboards and display poles and receipt printer for Point Of Sale. It uses interactive navigation logic to help user to easily setup POS sheet id mapping to each device. So, users won’t have problems with their devices in POS
- A receipt contents can be printed from a text file. So, no POS specialist needs to configure the contents in receipt format
- Converting data from one system to another systems using EDI
Blog Post
This project was using MVC concept to design a web application as well. I chose to use a Thymeleaf template as the frontend and Spring Boot as the backend. Using http requests to send client input data to the controllers and controllers to processing the data; uploaded the responses data to the Thymeleaf templates to display the results of the requests. In this web application, you can create a topic and add multiple posts under the topic. You also can hashtag any post you want.
Donut Maker
This project goal was to update the web application view in a single page. When you update an element on the page, you don’t need to reload the whole page information again. Donut Maker is a game. I designed and developed using JavaScript. You can play one click at a time. When you have enough donuts, you can buy multipliers or auto-click. It was a fun game.
Music Album
This project was a Music Album and songs Collection Web Application. We used JavaScript as the frontend and Spring Boot MVC as the backend. In the back end we were utilizing Restful API in Spring Boot. We used MVC concepts and using Restful controllers for processing and updating the response data to the frontend. We used JavaScript as the frontend tool to achieve single page web application with multiple views. You can create an album, and create songs in this album; update the titles and delete the album and songs.
Food Truck
This project was using MVC concept to design a web application. We were using Thymeleaf templates as the frontend and Spring Boot as the backend. Using http requests to send client input data to the controllers and controllers to processing the data; uploaded the response data to the Thymeleaf templates to display the results of the requests. You can start from Food Category and Hashtag to experiment with our Food Truck Web Application.
Virtual Pet Center
The project goal was to use principles of OOP (abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism). I designed to use abstract classes and interfaces to achieve these goals; and, implement this project successfully. In my Virtual Pet Center (only dogs and cats), you can adopt and receive a pet (live or robot); you can take the pet for a walk (only dogs); you can feed them (food or water). You can check status of the pets to determine what actions you need to take (like – feed, give water or need to see a vet).